Thursday, April 1, 2010

hello, friends over there~
ever feel like thoughts are scrambled up in your head and racing through so fast you can't focus on anything? and it's like your brain can't form complete, coherent sentences and instead you just have these stuttering, thought fetuses that burble and die before they make any sense? am i even making sense right now? hahaaaa, well...state of my mind recently. the internet really does fry brains.

i painted something with watercolors last night! but it was really ugly so i'm not gonna show you. here is a previous drawing i did at some point at washu - it's a spider-bunny-sloth, also known as...a sliderbun...or a bunsploth


  1. I like bunsploth! What a cute little guy...I want one as a pet.

  2. happy easter! hf with your easter bun(ny)sploth friend
