Thursday, February 4, 2010

monsters and superheroes

wow, i'm embarrassed to show this to people. so i started my ghost story painting - it's a lot of fun! unfortunately i discovered a few things: watercolors are not my friends...and perspective and lighting aren't my friends either. oh well, so i have some challenges to work through in this one. as you can see here, i have the under painting (don't worry, i'll up the contrast and fix everything later) of two frightened children. but what's happening in the rest of the painting? muahahaha stay tuned for later installments. anyway, this image is kind of depressing me, so i'm gonna post another sketch

woooo it's an alien baby thing! hey, in other news, i got a COMMISSION today! :D yayyy paying job - super exciting! someone has asked me to illustrate this magical, superhero alter-ego his daughter has made up so he can give it to her for her birthday. on one hand, this is awesome because now i can earn me some moneys, and hey, it's a fun project - but on the other hand....i'm gonna have to put this ghost story one on hold for a bit, and that's gonna drive my ocd self kind of crazy. but i'll try to post stuff as i go. and sorry again, the painting isn't quite as washed out in real life...having some scanner/overexposure issues.